About Team 469

Going Bananas since 1999

Team 469 Las Guerrillas is a high school FIRST Robotics team with students from the International Academy Okma Campus in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, and The Roeper School in Birmingham, Michigan. Team 469 Las Guerrillas gives students an opportunity to pursue an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math.


Passing along knowledge is a cornerstone of Team 469’s success. Our most dedicated students lead our mechanical, programming, and electrical systems in partnership with a mentor who has relevant industry expertise. Our systems are made up of at least one student per system with previous leadership experience along with dedicated underclassmen stepping into leadership roles themselves.

Team 469 encourages all our students to pursue their passions within the team structure. As such, most of the team participates across multiple areas of team operations, including design, build, drive team, marketing, and awards. In particular, our Impact Award team (formerly the Chairman’s Team) has seen outstanding results, earning the team’s first two Chairman’s/Impact Awards in our history (2021, 2023)! 

Our Student Leaders make themselves available at all of our competitions to speak with anyone interested in learning more about Team 469 and our robot.


Team 469 is made up of a partnership between our sponsors, mentors, and students. Led by our head mentor, Marjie Jenkins, the team utilizes mentors with industry expertise to lead all aspects of the robotics team, both during FRC season and the offseason.

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